Homeopathy is a medical science developed by Dr.Samuel Hahnemann, a great physician. The guided principle of Homeopathy is stated as "Similia Similibus Curentur". In simple words, it means that any substance which can produce symptoms in a healthy person, can cure similar symptoms in a person, who is sick.
Homeopathy is a true healing science.
Homeopathy is a new way to arrive at similimum in an easy, better and more scientific way.
Homeopathy is based upon the universal law which remains applicable to all forms of life.
Homeopathy considers the man as a whole and treats the man in diseases not the disease in the man.
Homeopathy cures genetically.
In the practice of Homeopathic medicine, a detailed, comprehensive interview of the patient,"called homeopathic case taking" is undertaken, to reveal the physical, phsychological and emotional characteristics and complaints of that individual.
Individualisation of the case is taken as a whole. As we know that no two individuals are alike, in the same way homeopathy is based upon the principle of invidualisation, as no two individuals are alike, so the symptoms given by the patients of the same disease varies accordingly. Here Homeopathic physician select medicines for the patients which are different in different patients, even of the same disease.