The foundation of SPEC's commitment is simple - We help our clients meet their Goal - Profits - by -
SPEC has served Vegetable Oil processing Industry in India & Abroad since 1994 under leadership of
Mr. Rajvinder Singh, Oil Technologist. We also serve Dairy & Pharmaceutical Industries for their specific needs.
We specialises in design and manufacturing of plant and machinery in the field of Vegetable Oil Industry. Undertaking projects on concept to commissioning basis as well as turnkey consultants.
SPEC share the business objectives of clients and in process of work become pseudo business partners who conscientiously keep making suggestions and recommendation on their ultimate needs, problems and opportunities. Tailor made solutions are then offered with dedicated documented support system after projects have been commissioned.
Different client's needs are different but their Goal is same- PROFIT. Thus, we offer complete range of customized solutions which cover design, manufacture & supply of Edible or Vegetable oil processing equipments & plants.
Sincere and dedicated performance helped in completing more than 100 projects across India and globe. Continuous Endeavour to better performance culminated in collaborations for
• Biodiesel manufacturing technology (2008) Ecoduna - now ENERGIA Tech. s.r.o. (2012) - Licencee Energea Austria.
• Static phase separation technology (2009) - Franken Filtertechnik KG Germany.