Verified client

Quality Policy

We Think quality is not achieved by doing different things.It is achieved by doing things differently.The totality of features and characteristics of a product or service that bears on its ability to satisfy given needs.

Our Mission

Our mission is to assist our clients in presenting a professional front to the marketplace. Our Mission is to discover, develop and successfully market.

Our Vision

We want to provide our clients with services of the highest quality beat their expectations and protect their interests like our own.To teach remunerate and maintain our hardworking employees and co-workers.

VATS BIOTECH PRIVATE LIMITED - Best Pharmaceutical Company in Solan, Himachal Pradesh

We would like to Introduce ourselves as VATS BIOTECH PVT. LTD. (ISO 9001:2015 GMP & GLP CERTIFIED COMPANY) as one of the fastest growing pharmaceutical marketing and manufacturing companies in the region. Before we proceed further, we would like to give you an insight about the company profile.

VATS BIOTECH PVT. LTD. was incorporated in 2015 as a marketing company with ethical operations and has since moved up the value chain from being a marketing company to a manufacturing unit. VATS BIOTECH PVT. LTD. is an emerging pharmaceutical company with proven capabilities in the areas of manufacturing & marketing. Over the years, we are firmly establishing our brands in each market for sustained sales.

Our manufacturing capability includes a wide range Beta and Non-Beta tablets and capsule section covering therapeutic areas Antibiotics, NSAIDs, Diabetic, Cardiac, psychiatrist and others.

As we come from a marketing background, we know what are the challenges to be faced with doctors and other customers. So, we are committed to the quality and service of our customers.


Company Profile

Year of Establishment 07072015
Total Number of Employees 30
Annual Turnover 5 CRORES
Company Registration No. U52310JH2015PTC00302